My brain is such an asshole sometimes. Information comes in and disappears so fast, I feel like Guy Pearce in Memento. I need to write things down within 10, maybe 15 seconds or they disappear. So here I am, writing a blog post while I know I’m supposed to be doing something else, but I…
What I learned from 30 days in Facebook jail
This story is a little more complicated than the title implies. See, I wasn’t just thrown in Facebook jail for bad behavior, I got phished. My dumb ass clicked a link without checking the email address first, and just handed all my shit over to some hacker. And the details of my sentence weren’t as…
I got hacked!
Like an absolute dumbass, I got duped by a phishing scam and lost my Facebook AND Instagram accounts. While I still continue the appeal process, I’m also not holding my breath. So I’ve started a new Instagram! If you really love me, you’ll give me a shoutout and share my new profile so others know…
Worn down
I try to wax poetic, but I don’t think I’ve had enough coffee. Maybe it’s lack of coffee, maybe it’s a lack of motivation, but it doesn’t really matter because the results are the same. I just can’t put together anything more than a regular ol sentence. This has been going on for weeks, and…
What’s next for the self employed artist
I’m in a shifting landscape. We all are. I don’t know if anyone realizes the weight or extent the past year’s events, but I know it’s all going to come home. Our news cycle happens so damn fast, that it’s impossible to keep up. There’s riots in the capital. COVID-19 has killed more than 375,000…
Fall down 7 times, get up 8 (because physics doesn’t matter)
If you fall down 7 times, you can only get up 7 times. Sorry, life coaches and motivational speakers, but it’s just physics. You can’t possibly undo an action more times than the action has been done. Can’t you people count? It’s not that I think that phrase is ill intentioned or anything, I just…
Stop being so hard on yourself
I wonder all the time why I bother writing a blog. I’m inconsistent, negligent, and most of my observations are, on some level, just me complaining. I talk about productivity but get nothing done. I talk about motivation but can barely get out of bed. I talk about mental health and sobriety when both are…
How do we overcome obstacles?
I’m in a slump. Somewhere inside, I’d like to get things done, and make progress on goals, but outside I’m coated with a general malaise. It’s part depression, part pandemic, and part disruptions in my medication. Basically, I’m all fucked up. I don’t know what to do about it. Normally when I get stuck, I…
You’re out of control, baby!
Who had plans for 2020? I know I did. BIG plans, too. You know what I did with those plans? Threw them in the shitter. Covid-19 hijacked any plans we made. By late March, I had already begun shoving things to the back burner. Now, I’m not even sure where the stove is. I’m not…
O beautiful for spacious skies
I take five different antidepressants and mood stabilizers to keep me in check. Without them, I have little control over mood swings, and the depths of depression are unpredictable. Some of them I’ve been on for more than 5 years, some for less than a year. They all serve a specific purpose. Recently, I had…