Tropical storm Isaias slammed the east coast today, from the Carolinas north, even ripping through our little slice of Bucks County heaven. Winds tore branches from the trees, knocked over fence posts, and rain battered us for hours. Well, for like three hours. A far cry from the original 12+ hours they called for less…
Author: timpangburn
The “I’m leaving Facebook” announcement
I deactivated my Facebook today. It’s not the first time I’ve done it, and I’m already saying it won’t be the last. Facebook is crack cocaine for ADD. That’s most of the problem, but not the whole problem. It’s been love/hate for me for years. It’s not that we polarize each other, or create echo…
Art imitates life
I’ve been struggling for some time to identify the feelings that have been running through my mind. They’re all so familiar, yet in some sort of foreign and unknown configuration. Like if my normal dysfunction is a Rubik’s Cube, then my current dysfunction is that same cube jumbled up. I haven’t been able to place…
What do we do now?
I haven’t posted in a long time, and for a good number of reasons. The shutdowns have beat me up mentally. The breaking of routines, the extended time home, the financial concerns…its all taking its toll. I’ve been facing some pretty bad depression along the way, and I’ve had more than one change to my…
April 27th, 2020
I rang in my birthday crying. Not a few tears, but heavy, sobbing, compounding pressure in your head crying. In a way it was a relief, because I thought the pharmacy on my bathroom sink had stolen that from me. I don’t think I’ve cried since mom passed. Life is rarely where you expect it…
Artists are nonessential, so rethink your strategy
Lockdown day 38: I actually just counted the days on the calendar, because I barely know what day it is most of the time. That’s 38 days I’ve had my shop closed. 38 days without income. 38 days my staff has no income. As of now, we don’t even know when this will end. And…
Being in Quarantine is Traumatic
I’m a person who’s heavily focused on productivity and growth, and the quarantine is constantly grinding against my willpower. It’s been 27 days since they closed nonessential businesses, so that’s 27 days I’ve had no steady income. We’ve canceled every order and every account that isn’t essential. My amazing wife has spent weeks on calls…
I know where you can put your false positivity
I’ve been on home restriction for 20 days, and I’ve been promised at least 25 more. Now isn’t the time to lose our shit and spiral into depression and aggressive behavior. It’s also not the time to polish up our smiles and act like this is positive, or to downplay the severity of the situation….
Lockdown Day 5: I’m a Robot
I’d like to say no one saw this coming, but the signs were all right there in front of us. And I’d like to say it’ll all be over soon, but reality is a little more grim than that. We’re most likely still in the early phases of this, and things get worse before they…
Closure Announcement
Everyone’s lives are being affected by the coronavirus. Between school closures, shutdowns, and possible curfews, we’re all limited in our actions at this time. In order to stay responsible and follow safe practices, we will be closing Art Machine Productions until at least March 27th, as per governor’s order. If you currently have an appointment…